Sign up to log rainfall

We are using a website called to log rainfall readings, so you'll need to sign up with them to get your readings to us! Please follow the instructions below. If you have any issues or questions, email

Before you start

Please make sure you've signed up via the Host a rain gauge form before following the below instructions. Once you've done that, you're ready to sign up CitSci.

There are two ways to sign up to CitSci, either on a computer or on a phone.

On a computer

If you've signed up on a computer, you can still download the app below and log in to report your rainfall readings on your phone. 

On a phone

If you have the Apple store or Google Play, you can download the CitSci app onto your phone. Either search for CitSci in your app store, or click one of the links to the right. 

Submitting data

Once you're approved, you're ready to start submitting data! Go to this page to learn how to send in your marangai readings.